By Sameh Selim: Trump Vitamins to Boost Economic Immunity

Mr. Sameh Selim

Trump Vitamins to Boost Economic Immunity

By Sameh Selim- Member of the United States Press Agency

Economic problems, inflation, and rising prices have become the main concerns of President Trump and his assistant team, headed by Vice President Vance and businessman Elon Musk. Indeed, the team working on economic problems has begun to propose unconventional solutions to pump more investments, whether from within or from abroad, such as seeking the help of traditional economic allies who support the United States from abroad or economists and business people within the United States, which is known as Trump vitamins to stimulate the economic and trade cycle and recover from the slump of the trade deficit between exports and imports to achieve a budget surplus to spend on infrastructure, health, education, and social security and achieve a reasonable degree of well-being for the American citizen, which he has been deprived of over the past decades due to the squandering of the state's public money on ill-considered military adventures or arming other countries and helping them economically and leaving the American citizen at the mercy of the wind struggling with high inflationary waves.

Here is a pause that history will remember and will continue to remember, as he put the American citizen at the forefront of his concerns, far from International politics or military adventures. The American wrestler Donald Trump has come to the international economic and political wrestling ring to restore a decent life for American citizens and stop the wasted bleeding of public money.

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