By Sameh Selim: The Protective Shield Between the Present and the Past

Sameh Selim

The Protective Shield Between the Present and the Past

By Sameh Selim - Member of the United States Press Agency

Since the dawn of ancient history, civilizations and empires have emerged that relied on expanding and establishing their empires on military power and large populations. They expanded to annex weak lands and countries to control them, enslave their people, and enjoy their economic resources to harness them to serve the expansionist war effort and preserve their gains. Many countries still believe that military power is the only way to preserve their empires that dominate the world in the modern and contemporary era.

Has the world begun to change from its modern military and nuclear thought to a new, completely different contemporary thought?

Contemporary thinkers, political analysts, and economists have devised a logical analysis to decipher this puzzle in our contemporary era. The world is evolving rapidly, and concepts and ideas are shifting from military to strategic, from nuclear to economic and technological, and from expansion to financial dominance. The possession of raw materials or natural resources for poor or developing countries has emerged as a new, contemporary protective shield in the world.

In light of these changing and new contemporary concepts, the protective shield for countries has become not only military power, but it is diminishing with the passage of days due to the presence of other elements that have become more influential than military or nuclear power.

There is the strong economy that controls strategic industries, such as China, Japan, and South Korea, or the possession of advanced scientific technology in computers, the pharmaceutical industry, medical devices, space sciences, or remote warfare, such as the United States and Europe, or the possession of electronic chips that enter into strategic industries such as Taiwan or financially, as strong currencies control the global financial market such as the US dollar and the euro.

These are the protective shields of our contemporary era, more influential than military or nuclear power. Those who cling to the past, seeking to possess them, are merely wasting their time and resources on what is of no benefit in this new era. It's time to adapt to the changing global dynamics.

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