Low-income residents will be able to switch to clean energy and save


low-income residents will be able to switch to clean energy and save

Next summer, residents can switch to clean energy, and low and moderate-income residents can save 10 to 20 percent off their regular energy bills.

And you don't even need solar panels on your roof to access it—it's for everyone, especially those in public housing.

In 2020, a bill was passed in the General Assembly to create shared solar. Contractors like Dimension Renewable Energy were able to construct solar facilities throughout Virginia, building solar panels for communal use. The energy generated from these "solar farms" gets fed into the regional electrical grid, allowing people who usually can't have put solar panels on their roofs—like renters—to switch to the solar energy produced through these community solar farms.

Those using Dominion Energy can switch to a clean energy carrier. Those who switch to solar energy will pay a subscription fee and a "minimum bill" payment.

The shared solar program starts next July 2023, so anyone interested in switching to solar can do so through the Dominion website, where they will set up a customer portal.

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