By Margaret Ikladious: Christmas Treasures (7)

Margaret Ikladious

Christmas Treasures (7):

Written by Margaret Ikladious

Today I would like to take you in a new episode about some of the other symbols in the Christmas celebrations that have become popular.

 Around the World Continuing the last parts of The Treasures of Christmas:

Sixth: Decorations for the Christmas tree (Part Three):

25+ Christmas Train:

The train symbolizes hardships, patience, and long distances of travel journeys, as the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph endured the difficulties of the Nativity journey in the past and as the Magi traveled from their countries. To the city of Nazareth in search of the child Jesus..!!

And it was just logical to put it around the base of the tree because you can run a train circle around.

The base of a tree is safe, although some trains have a comprehensive process that exceeds the diameter of a tree.

Christmas, but maybe placed in large and spacious rooms and halls.

It is believed that it was the perfect gift in the old days for Christmas, and the train also indicates that Christmas is a time when many people travel long distances to reach their homes or see relatives and loved ones..!!

26 + Christmas Tree Rug and Skirt:

That circular skirt placed under the tree symbolizes the union together or the attempt to gather all together under one thing, which is the name of Jesus, the owner of the celebration.

The Christmas tree skirt is around the dress with an open side to cover the Christmas tree stand.

In addition, many like to use a Christmas tree skirt to dress the tree's bottom fashionably and pick up needles from the tree when it falls.

Practical and modern in its use under trees, whether natural or artificial.

It was also noticed that many of the celebrants put gifts under the tree in a circular shape, and that rug happens..!!

27+ Red Christmas Truck:

It is not clear where the image of the red Christmas truck came from. The old Ford car with Christmas trees on board, but many can point to it as a symbol of the holiday season and travel as the Holy Family traveled

and moved before birth and several.

The idea behind displaying this truck is to bring people together in a nostalgic holiday season.

It is also reflected in the color of the sacred mulberry, which also had pagan symbolism during the winter celebrations in ancient Rome. The green color signifies permanent light and life.

The red color was chosen for her, as the red color was used at Christmas to represent the blood of Jesus when he died on the cross.

Then one might also wonder, what does the red truck stand for?

Red in dreams represents passion, passion, anger, lust, or sin

or enthusiasm.

Since it's a "troubled" truck, I felt that red probably represents the color's most negative meanings.

28+ LED Light Bulbs:

Christmas lights also symbolize the stars, especially the Star of David, which appeared in Bethlehem on the night of Christ's birth.

Displaying Christmas lights in a large square or hexagonal handmade lamps can remind us of following Christ and his way.

29+ Birth Village:

A Christmas Village (or Putz) is a small decorative village often set up during the Christmas season.

The roots of these villages go back to the elaborate Christmas traditions of the Moravian Church, a Protestant denomination that symbolizes the holiday and the city of Bethlehem.

Mass-produced cardboard Christmas villages became popular in the United States during the early and mid-20th century, while ceramic copies became popular in the latter part of the century.

This usually takes the form of an elaborate landscape with animals that may or may not have been alluded to by the creatures in the stable in Bethlehem or the passengers on Noah's Ark.

Any scriptural scene into a pure and lively genre." These have grown to include much more than a nativity scene with animations such as working flour mills, flapping dogs, and running water with waterfalls and electric trains and can fill an entire room..!!!

Families organize "putz parties" and compete for the best offer. This word is derived from the German term putzen, which means "to clean" or "decorate"..!!

These small buildings usually have holes in the back or at the bottom through which they are

Put Christmas lights to provide illumination.

The buildings had small windows painted in cellophane and decorated with roofs covered with Michal dust to give the appearance of snow.

Since these buildings were made of inexpensive materials and were widely available throughout the United States, Christmas decorations became very popular.

30+ Christmas sleigh:

Sled refers to a means of transportation specifically designed to travel over ice or snow. 

The sleigh is commonly associated with the character of Santa Claus. He, according to legend, uses a giant sleigh pulled by eight reindeer to fly around the World on Christmas Eve to deliver gifts to children.

But it indicates and symbolizes travel in the events of Christmas.


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