FDA official: Supportive announcements coming Wednesday

FDA official: Supportive announcements coming Wednesday

 US regulators expect a ruling on Wednesday regarding authorization of booster doses of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines, an Food and Drug Administration official said at a government meeting.

The Food and Drug Administration's Doran Fink reviewed "some announcements later today," which was expected to include allowing mixing and matching of COVID-19 booster doses between the three US manufacturers -- Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J. at a meeting of vaccine experts convened by the CDC, who are expected to make FDA decisions and present their recommendations Thursday.

Millions of Americans have already had a third chance to boost Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.

Last week, the US Food and Drug Administration's panel of independent experts unanimously recommended expanding the booster to include recipients of the two-dose Moderna vaccine and the J&J single-shot vaccine. Most experts also agreed that using a different booster brand appears to be safe and effective for increased protection. 

"The FDA has been very busy since last Friday finalizing our review and working toward authorization" for vaccine applications, said Fink, deputy director of the FDA's Division of Vaccines.

The improved recommendations won't become official until the CDC director confirms who should get them and when.

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