Mr. Sameh Selim |
The story of the elephant and the donkey
By Sameh Selim- a member of the United States Press Agency
One day, the people of the forest woke up to the braying of the donkey, which disturbed them and disrupted their livelihood after eating and scattering what the elephant and other animals had collected for them in the forest over the past decades until the people of the forest became the richest of the rich. Thus, the elephant tires himself out of roaming the surrounding forests to collect what he can so that the people of the forest can live in peace and security from hunger, poverty, and need. With his usual genius, the donkey dominates the people of the forest, squandering their food, drink, and livelihood, eating and scattering what remains without accountability. The people of the forest wake up to a horrific disaster in an attempt to collect what remains of the donkey's crimes in the forest.
The difference is not great in letters between the rich and the fools, but it is great in meaning and content between the rich and the fool and between the elephant and the donkey.
The donkey is naturally the foolish fool if the elephant is the strong, rich giant.
One letter can change the forest people's political, economic, and social equation and spare them from misery and suffering.
The donkey remains stubborn and does not want to move despite its agility, while the elephant moves and takes risks despite its heavy weight. So, gentlemen, do you know who the elephant is, who the donkey is, and who the people of the jungle are?!!
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