Mr. Sameh Selim |
Could the next president of the United States be a robot?
By Sameh Selim- Member of the United Press Agency
The world of science fiction has become a confirmed reality in our current era of digitization, advanced technology, robots, and remote combat, a technological revolution that has surpassed imagination. Will the human element have a major role as it did in the past, or will its role be limited to watching events from afar, reaping the fruits of technology, and moving it in certain directions?
The era of science fiction that has become a reality before us can be used correctly for human comfort and well-being. For example, in the Scandinavian countries, the citizen has a large share of well-being and happiness, and in the Gulf countries as well, which the people of the advanced countries that own inventions and robots are deprived of, the citizen in the Scandinavian and Gulf countries receives a monthly salary, whether he can work or not, and enjoys his full rights, education, health, and other things. These countries have introduced robots to replace humans in hard or dangerous work.
Suppose robots replace humans in tiring work and citizens of these countries lose their jobs. In that case, the administrations of these countries must compensate these people with monthly salaries according to their previous jobs because robots will save these countries huge amounts of wages and salaries that must be transferred in this case to serve and provide for the welfare of citizens in these countries, including the United States. But the question that has been on my mind for a short while now is whether the next US president or vice president will be a robot that can carry out presidential duties and be a Republican or Democratic candidate or will he be independent and not subject to either of the two parties competing for power in the United States and can someone move this robot as he pleases from behind the political curtain? This could happen soon, but I do not rule out its occurrence.
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