It broke my heart: The police chief consoles a crying child after family member arrested


It broke my heart: "The police chief consoles a crying child after a family member arrested

A beautiful photo shows a Metro Atlanta police chief comforting a crying child after her mother's boyfriend was arrested during a traffic stop.

Moro police shared a photo of interim President Snaevi, saying he was unaware it had been taken at the time. The department said it responded to assist an officer in detaining a driver.

When they arrived at the scene, they found a young girl and her mother in the car with the suspect.

While the baby's mother was talking to the police, Snaevi noticed the little girl crying.

"He got on his knees, reassured her, answered her questions, and explained what was happening - all without knowing that this photo was taken," the department wrote. "Interactions like this happen every day, at every level of our department, and we're proud that a community member thought of taking this photo and sharing it with us!"

"He broke my heart. I promised her he was safe and would be home soon." "I nodded, then wrapped her little arms around me, put her head on my shoulder, and wept."

Snively said he was saddened by what was happening and encouraged her to feel safe with him.

 Many things in my life are beyond my comprehension, and many are failures and disappointments. But one thing has always been clear: I know my purpose on this earth," said Snively. "Today, God has put me to use, and I'm sure the sweet little girl has done more for me than I could have done for her."

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