President Biden steps into the global spotlight at UN in a bid to mend frayed alliances


Biden steps into the global spotlight at UN in a bid to mend frayed alliances

 President Joe Biden used his most significant moment on the international stage at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday to call on world leaders for more decisive action on Covid-19 and climate change. He sought to re-establish America's alliances and its role in the international community.

Looking to signal a break with his predecessor's isolationist "America First" policies, he has repeatedly pledged to work with other nations and solidify the United States as a leader in addressing the challenges facing the planet.

 Biden said. "We will lead with our allies and partners, and in collaboration with all those who believe, we believe, that it is in our power to meet these challenges, to build a future that uplifts all of our people to preserve this planet."

His first speech as president at the meeting was at a very different gathering from those in the past, with many world leaders choosing to make their remarks virtually. Biden also plans to meet Tuesday with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in New York and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the evening at the White House.

Biden's speech comes when some of the closest US relations have been strained after the chaotic withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, leaving NATO allies to complain that they were left seeking to evacuate their citizens with the Taliban in control. Biden's decision to leave Afghanistan, arguing that it was no longer in America's interest to stay, also prompted world leaders to question what role the United States would play globally in the future — a question he addressed in his remarks.

He said, "I stand here today for the first time in 20 years, and the United States is not at war; we have turned the page. All the unparalleled strength, energy, commitment, will, and resources of our nation are now fully and directly focused on what lies ahead. Not what was behind us."

Biden also addressed counterterrorism and the possibility of competing with other world powers without igniting a new Cold War. 

Biden oversaw increased tensions with France, one of America's closest allies, after a security agreement with Australia and the United Kingdom would allow Australia to buy nuclear-powered submarines from the United States. The deal infuriated French leaders, who planned to sell that country's submarines to Australia.

France said last week it recalled its ambassadors to the United States and Australia, where French officials said the new agreement undermined its interests in the Indo-Pacific. On Monday, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that the White House is in the process of arranging a call with French President Emmanuel Macron to discuss the issue.

Biden entered the room wearing a mask that he took off and put on the podium as he began to speak. In his statements, he indicated that he would develop a new strategy and commitment to confront the Coronavirus crisis at the Covid summit led by the United States, which will focus on vaccines, treatments, and technologies to help end the epidemic.

"We need to act now to get shots in the arms as quickly as possible and expand access to oxygen, testing, and treatments to save lives around the world," he said.

However, Biden was expected to face pressure from world leaders, especially those living in low-income countries, who have pleaded with the United States to help the billions of people who have yet to get the first shot of the vaccine before providing people. In the United States with their third shots.

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