Ex-Trump Fund's inaugural head Tom Barrack was arrested for 'acting as an agent of the UAE'

Thomas Barrack

Ex-Trump Fund's inaugural head Tom Barrack was arrested for 'acting as an agent of the UAE' and trying to influence the administration's foreign policy

Thomas Barrack was arrested Tuesday on federal charges in Los Angeles for illegally lobbying on behalf of the United Arab Emirates.

Barak was charged with seven counts of trying to advance the UAE's agenda in the United States.

He served as Chairman of the Inaugural Committee of former President Donald Trump in 2017.

The Justice Department said Barak and two of his aides did nothing "less than betray these officials in the USA

The Chairman of former President Donald Trump's 2017 inaugural committee was arrested Tuesday on federal charges in Los Angeles for illegally lobbying on behalf of the United Arab Emirates during the 2016 campaign and later at the White House.

Thomas Barrack, 74, received an indictment of seven counts of trying to advance the UAE's agenda in the United States and shaping the foreign policy of the previous administration.

Barrack is the founder of private equity firm Colony Capital although he stepped down as the company's CEO in 2020 and in April resigned as CEO. Barack is set to appear for the first time in a federal court in Southern California.

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