Mrs. Margret |
By: Mrs. Margaret Ikladious- member of US. Press Agency
Christmas Treasures (1)
1- Christmas between the essence of its meanings and the origin of its celebrations.
Christmas has been celebrated for hundreds of years, although the method of commemorating differs from one place to another worldwide; in the end, it refers to one thing, which is the birth of Christ.
It is noteworthy that Christmas is considered the second most important Christian holiday after Easter around the world, and it comes knocking on the doors of our homes and knocking on our hearts, warming homes and filling hearts with all that is beautiful...
And in those celebrations, we may talk with others about the aspects of the festival that are distinctive to it and inherited through time, and about things that may raise many questions within some of us and we do not find an answer to them that reached us through time, and we do not know their symbolism or significance in that celebration.
Therefore, I decided today to take you through this exciting journey, which is represented in several episodes and carries with it a lot of
Events, stories, and simplified explanations for most aspects of Christmas, including symbols, colors, customs, traditions, and personalities associated with Christmas, and the evolution of parts of celebrating it over time.
First: Christmas:
We must first get to know the origin of naming Christmas Christmas.
And why is the birthday name abbreviated "X Mas," and is this true or false?
It was found that some abbreviated it because of the Roman letter "X," which is similar to the Greek letter "X," which is "chi."
Any abbreviation of the name of Christ (Χριστός) Christos.
It is known that the word Christmas is composed of two syllables, and this appeared in several theories and opinions, all of which may seem correct:
The first theory of naming Christmas:
The first section:
(Christ) is Christ, meaning the Savior, and it is a title for Christ
And it comes from the Greek verb "chriw," meaning to wipe, and came in Latin, "Christos," and in European languages, "Christ."
And the second section:
He (mas) is derived from a subsidiary word, which means birth, birth, or birth. It is a word originating from the ancient Egyptian language and transferred to the Coptic language. It has the same meaning in the hieroglyphic language, and there are no other origins for this word in any Latin language. ) and he in hieroglyphs means (to give birth) in English to give birth, so Messi tells diamond-like Thutmose.
So the word Christmas came to mean the birth of Christ or the birth of Christ.
This name came from the religious influence of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the early centuries.
The second theory:
Christ's name
The name Christ comes from the Greek Χριστός (Christós).
, meaning "anointed" and is a translation from the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ māšîaḥ ("the anointed") Messiah, which has been incorporated into the English language as "Christ."
Hence, the word "Christ" and "Messiah" basically mean the same thing, the first originating in ancient Greek and the latter in classical Hebrew..!!
"Christmas" mas
And when we get to the word Xmas (usually pronounced the same as Christmas, but some pronounce it somewhat incorrectly, as /ˈɛksməs/). Many people think that writing "Christmas" instead of Christmas is an attempt to remove Christ from Christmas and may consider it blasphemy..!!!
However, the "X" in "Xmas" is not the English letter "ex."
It is an abbreviation of the Greek name "Christ" Χριστός (Christos), which begins with the Greek letter chi, and the abbreviation of "Christ" can be traced back to the letter "X" many centuries ago, as some written documents date back to the year 1100 AD..!!!
Hence, we must say that this is to correct the wrong theories that we may have all fallen into in the past, which is that the use of the letter x, which refers to an unknown person, is an attempt to obliterate the identity of Jesus from those celebrations..!!
Unfortunately, many ignorant people may consider it an explicit reference to ignoring and denying the owner of the feast (Christ) and not recognizing him, which made many fall into that trap.
This is why we were keen to clarify this information because of it..!!!
Determining that day (Christmas) celebrated was based on King Constantine choosing this day as the birth of Jesus because
In the past, Romans celebrated the same day as the birth of the sun god "Sol Invictus," which was called "Saturnalia."
December 25th was a feast for most ancient pagan peoples who worshiped the sun. They celebrated that day because, after December 25th, the length of the day increases day after day during the year.
While in the east, January 6th coincided with the virginal Christmas of the god Dionysus.
The choice of these two days was to combat the long-term pagan influence on Christian believers, especially the practices that accompanied pagan holidays (such as parties, drunkenness, and prostitution) and an attempt to gradually obliterate the traces of paganism by dyeing it with Christian character through those celebrations.
The Romans set this date as nine months from the memory of the good news of the angel to Mary, which falls on March 25th.
In the Middle Ages, the celebration of Christmas was considered a secondary celebration or not celebrated in the first place..!!!
It was known in some European countries that this celebration was preceded by fasting between four and seven weeks and that it ends on that day.
But that pre-Christmas fast was known in some eastern countries, such as Egypt, specifically in the eleventh century..!!!
And that was during the reign of Pope Christodoulos, the 66th Pope of the See of St.
Beginning in the fifteenth century, the celebration of the Marian month (the month of Kiahk) was added to the Eastern Orthodox Church by putting praises, melodies, and praises of the Virgin and the birth of Christ.
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